Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring is here!

I really need to get better at this blogging thing. But then again there isn't much going on in our life right now. Just looking forward to warmer weather!!

Just have to mention as I am sitting by the computer typing this my lovely Layton just told me, You need to go to bed or go to bed, those are your choices!! Hmmm I wonder where he has heard that from. He has turned into quite the boss man lately, I sure hope this is just a phase!!! Or im really going to need to learn how to rephrase things when I am talking to him. Oh Boy, the journey begins. The little stinker still has no desire to use the potty chair. I hope this phase takes a different turn soon!!

Laner, is well, a smiley happy kid, MOST of the time, He is still a Momma's boy. He has recently just started to talk more, Im not sure the no talking was part of the 2nd Child Syndrome or what. But he always just whined and usually got what he wanted. Now he is really using words more..such as, More, one, two, three, MAAAAAAAAAA, Cookie, No, Mine, Lane, Nose, Eyes.. I was starting to get worried that he wasn't talking but now he is really starting to talk, he still whines but I am trying not to be such a softy and give in to him all the time.

There isn't much to update about me. I have become a fan of the Biggest Loser and now I am really trying hard to become a little healthier. I have really been watching what I eat and I am trying to excerise a little more each day. I wish there was a gym around here with a daycare. Life would be great then!! But life still is great!!!:) Looking forward to playing some Golf, enjoying outdoor baseball, and canNOT wait for sand volleyball. Curt and I are heading to Kansas City at the end of April to watch the Twins take on the Kansas City Royals. GO TWINS!!!

Thats it for now. I will try to update once our life gettings a little more exciting!!

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